Sunday, September 8, 2019

You got to feel sorry for the much older wrestler as she is getting her poor beck worked over by her young enemy. Love her still sexy body with the cute mature womens tummy pooch. So sexy to see.


  1. Absolutely stunning. The girl in black is amazing. Gorgeous back, ass and legs but you have to admire her opponents sexy tummy. Would be good to see the older woman bear hug the taller girl and lift her clear off the mat before throwing her down and putting those powerful thighs to work. The young lady hasn’t won yet!

  2. Hi Gina. Just a thank you for posting some amazing pics. This and the last one are a couple of the best ever. Keep up the great work. I and I dare say many others really appreciate it.

    1. Gina and I appreciate you being so active on our blog. Wish others would say something as well. But glad that you do. Always interested in seeing what your thoughts are on a photo.

  3. Thanks. You work hard to provide a great site for like minded people to enjoy and I too wish that more people would show their appreciation.
