Saturday, September 21, 2019

Is it just me or the look on the losers face just the most hot and erotic look you've ever seen in a match?Like she's helpless and just waiting for the next move that's going to cause her pain.


  1. Totally agree. That is such an erotic pic. Love how the girl on top is positioning her nipple right on the other girls. Tit to tit is good but nipple to nipple is just so much better.

  2. Not only is her body losing to the other women her nipple is about to have it's own fight and lose there as well. My wife almost always does nipple fights. I love love love them.

    1. I have wrestled a little and done some pussy fights, but I can't find anyone to explain what goes on in a nipple fight? Anyone help me with that? are their any videos of a nipple fight I could see?

  3. You lucky guy. Nipples are a much bigger turn on than tits and nipple fights are amazing.

  4. She nipple fights to get the feel of each other and losen things up. Yet she knows how much I love that. Sometimes even more then just a pin.

  5. I couldn't agree more. Very hot pic.
