Monday, September 30, 2019

There are over 75,000 people who have been to this blog. I thanks the same 3 or 4 or you who make comments but I have asked several times for people to get involved and still people look but say nothing. Till that happends all posts STOP!


  1. Really sorry to read your comments Gina & Barry but I understand your frustrations. You work hard to provide a forum for us fans of female combat but virtually no-one takes advantage of it. Sad really but be assured that some of us out here do appreciate what you are doing and are truly grateful.

    1. You are one of the REAL supporters to this blog. We look forward to your comments and hearing your thoughts on the pics. This is NOT directed towards you. We enjoy having you in our little blog.

    2. I have been commenting all day love your blog. Please keep it up. Love the ladies in one piece suits fightin in the ring.

    3. Their isn’t too many fans of mature female fighting, sadly. I have been a fan of boxing and wrestling all my life. I am in globalfight and wrestle when I can. Love too also watch male and female fighters fight. Love the knockouts

    4. Their is no the better than watching women fight, I love the ring love ladies fights can’t get enough of them I want a longterm relationship withe a lady who loves too fight

    5. If their are any ladies out their who love too fight and want a longterm relationship please e mail me at

  2. Great pic by the way. That pussy is receiving a serious work out. Love it when one girl is stripped naked and the other one is still dressed. A sure sign of dominance.

  3. Fantastic start to all out domination of her opponent. More, more, more!

  4. Forgot to say what an amazing little ass this girl has!

  5. Tight and compact and yummy. Love seeing it lose.

  6. Love the content on here . Joined last week . Would comment more often if I stop having problems posting things. The problem isn't on Your end or the blog its the phone I have .

  7. My apologies for my absence the last month or so, I left home for vacation and won't be back regular until November, been with a very sweet young lady in Canada all this time, hopefully things will turn around before that

  8. I realy love your blog. Wish you would post more women fighting in the ring. Boxing or wrestling

  9. Replies
    1. If their is any mature women who are looking for a relationship contact me

  10. Please do not stop, love these fights

  11. great bodies sweaty fingering show me more!

  12. Man is that hot i would love to referee this one

  13. that'll take the fight out of her!
