Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A good punch to the tummy will weaken your opponent.


  1. The woman on the bottom almost looks like she's smiling. Wish we could fast forward a couple of frames to see how her expression changes.

    1. She is smiling because she is about to open her legs and push the other girl backwards and onto the floor where she will use her bigger build to dominate her.

  2. Just wanted to let the blog group know that I had my first wrestling match in over 20 years last night - and I came out on top! It was a playful, nonviolent romp with a friend who was doing it as a birthday present requested by her husband. I didn't win because I was the most skilled or the strongest. I am neither skilled nor very strong. Stamina was the deciding factor and I was so close to submitting to her before I had the opportunity to straddle her one more time. I have to tell you it was so exhilarating and so exciting. I hope I don't have to wait another 20 years to find my next opponent. If you're a mature women looking in, please participate in the blog. I would love to hear from you.

    1. Please write to us at so we can talk in private. Thanks

    2. What a birthday present. His wife may have lost but he was a very lucky man.

    3. I have someone who You can wrestle .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
