Saturday, March 30, 2019

Is this hot to you or just ok or not hot at all? On a 1 to 10 scale please rate these photos. Feel free to give us your thoughts on them too.


  1. 10 lisbos okay the 2 are sex fighting...this is foreplay(:

  2. This type of fight does not particularly excite me but the second picture is not bad, on the whole I value 6.

  3. Both cute with nice bodies. Yeah it's not my favorite style of fight by far but it's just one more style of fighting to enjoy. Although it's far more rougher then I like but it adds something, knowing what could be at stake. Making them try harder. And I'm always a BIG fan of stakes in a match. It makes them fight harder and longer and they hold out longer by not just giving as they know theirs a price to pay for doing so. But this can only be pure fantasy.

  4. the bride and her enemy... Uma Thermon should be jealous of the orange one.
