Thursday, August 10, 2023

It started on the couch in the next picture but ended up on the floor.


I like to see matches in real settings. I also love how we get a full view of her panties.


Would love to see them going at it. Who do you like best and who do you think would win?


About 95% of the time this is how we start off the evening of wrestling. This gets them use to being topless and each other. And I just LOVE nipple wrestling.


The mature fighter is getting her ass kicked. Just maybe the tit grab will help.


My wife has spanked the other womans pussy as well as having her pussy spanked too. To my complete surprise it actually turns me wife on to do it and have it done to her. It blew my mind and still does.


I love this photo . Unlike most pictures of a grapevine hold, in this one you can see the pain and humiliation on the loser womans face. Sooooo hot!